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June 2011 Business Forum Questions
17-Jun-2011 4:48 PM
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Reported by Steve Royal
Could I please have feedback on my new brochure?
How do I find and identify that first client?
How do I develop a niche in my field?
What are some ways to clarify communications when in a meeting?
What constitutes a "good" web site?
Are cold calls worth the effort?
How can I get people to return my phone calls and emails?
What is
Referral Key
and is it worthwhile?
What are the legal and insurance requirements for opening my business office in my home?
How can I get a document written in Russian translated?
What should I do with my business when I am away?
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June 2011 Technical Forum Questions
03-Jun-2011 1:48 PM
Deleted user
Reported by Steve Royal
: Make sure that your home router is secure or someone else might use its signal for illicit purposes.
Note to Macintosh Users
: Mac computers are vulnerable to a fake anti-virus program (Mac Defender) which is actually a real virus.
: If you find an unfamiliar link on your screen while you are using Skype, do NOT open it!
Why am I getting unwanted email messages from Google Docs?
How can I fill in check boxes on a checklist I have created?
How do I manage page numbers when printing a part of a Power Point presentation?
How do I reformat a large Excel file?
When using Skype, can I call someone who is not using Skype at the same time?
What is this "Referral Key" program that I keep getting invitations to join?
Why doesn't my optical mouse work properly any more?
How do I get rid of an error message in Windows Live Mail?
How do I get rid of an invitation to download a Chrome update?
Does anyone have any literature on graphic design?
Can I change my outgoing email address from Road Runner to my business name?
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May 2011 Business Forum Questions
20-May-2011 2:16 PM
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Reported by Steve Royal
How do you reach out to your potential market?
How do I deal with "scope creep (slow unexpected increase of services)?"
How can I determine my fee structure?
What is the process for taking someone to small claims court?
How do I turn a prospect's interest in my services into a sale?
How do I handle a client who wants to pay me based on how much he makes?
How should I structure my consulting business?
Can anyone recommend a good business plan template?
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May 2011 Technical Forum Questions
06-May-2011 1:52 PM
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Reported by Steve Royal
How can I create recovery disks for my computer?
What are printing costs at local office supply stores?
How many in this group would be interested in a presentation on Linux?
What are the disadvantages of using DropBox for sharing files?
How do I delete email addresses?
Can Skype addresses be put on RPCN members' profiles?
Who knows anything about camcorder hard drives?
Why won't my Mailwasher Pro work properly?
What is the difference between Mailwasher and Mailwasher Pro?
Can I send text messages using my desktop PC?
How can I stop promotional messages from being sent to my cell phone?
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April 2011 Social Media Forum Questions
18-Apr-2011 11:02 AM
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Reported by: Barbara Moore
Is there a difference in how one markets using Facebook and LinkedIn?
How do you send one message across multiple platforms?
How can Facebook be used to market a book to libraries?
What metrics are people using to measure ROI with social media?
Should businesses have a social media policy?
Should staff be allowed to use social media during work?
How can you prevent an employee from accessing a social media site via their smart phone when a business has blocked social media sites?
What experience do people have using social media apps on their smart phones?
Has anyone upgraded to a paid LinkedIn account and, is it worth it?
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April 2011 Business Forum Questions
16-Apr-2011 1:16 PM
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Reported by: Steve Royal
What are some ways for connecting RPCN people to other RPCN people?
Where can I find a sample business plan similar to those described in "E-Myth?"
Where can I find information on hiring and firing?
Should the time it takes to prepare an estimate be charged?
What are the ramifications of self-publishing my book?
How do I deal with a partnership and the K-1 tax form?
How well does Dragon software (voice recognition) work?
What would be appropriate program for an upcoming RPCN program on networking?
What is the best way to transfer VCR tapes to DVDs?
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April 2011 Technical Forum Questions
01-Apr-2011 1:43 PM
Deleted user
Reported by Steve Royal
How many people in this group have their own web sites?
How many are actually making money with your web site?
Why does my computer intermittently not connect to the Internet?
Why won't Mailwasher work with my Outlook program?
Why does my computer ask me to install a market research program that I know nothing about?
What financial software do people in this group recommend and why?
How can I transfer backed up data from a "dead" computer?
Why are some of my clients without Pay Pal accounts having trouble paying with Pay Pal?
What program can I use to completely wipe all files from my computer?
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March 2011 Social Media Forum Questions
31-Mar-2011 11:26 AM
Deleted user
Reported by Barbara Moore
Do recommendations on LinkedIn help?
Do you capitalize on the traffic to your site by placing ads on your site?
Do you have a Facebook business page or just a personal page?
Is LinkedIn a new media that is working for job seekers?
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March 2011 Business Forum Questions
19-Mar-2011 10:15 AM
Deleted user
As reported by Steve Royal
Which should I use to start my business: DBA or LLC?
Can I begin marketing my business concept without losing my unemployment?
Is there an advantage to include your spouse's name in your business?
Can anyone in RPCN help support web site design?
Where should I go for a web address (domain name)?
What can I do about people who don't return phone calls or answer emails?
What is a good CRM (Contact Resource Management) system?
What are the steps in starting a consulting business?
How do you find key contacts?
How do I go about finding my first client?
How important is a business plan?
Can I charge different prices for different clients for the same work?
How do I get people to switch from their current company to my company?
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March 2011 Technical Forum Questions
05-Mar-2011 1:21 PM
Deleted user
As reported by Steve Royal
What are these "NOD-32" pop-ups that I'm getting?
How do I import email from Mailwasher PRO to Outlook?
What am I supposed to do with the Skype program that came installed on my new netbook?
Why am I getting an error message when importing my Google calendar into Thunderbird/Lightening?
Why hasn't my computer run a Windows automatic update on its own since February?
What are V-cards?
Why won't my PDF file (3 Mb) send?
Does a computer continue working even after the screen goes blank?
Why can't I access Internet Explorer on my netbook?
What are the advantages of using Gmail vs. Outlook?
Why can't I get my Gmail calendar to work properly?
Is there a downside to using Google Chrome?
Will RPCN have a workshop on the I-pad?
What is a .tiff file?
Why won't one of my spam emails be deleted?
Can I move my Roadrunner mail to another server?
What backup system should I use?
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