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RPCN builds mutual-benefit relationships with other organizations. The relationships are called:

    •  Alliances” when RPCN has some type of formal agreement with an Alliance Partner.
    •   Friends of RPCN” when the relationship is informal.

RPCN Alliances Strategic Objectives:
(These Strategic Objectives apply to both Alliances and Friends of RPCN).

    • Increase Networking, Learning, and Business Opportunities for RPCN Members.
    • Expand Volunteering Opportunities for RPCN members to showcase their skills while providing value to the community.
    • Increase RPCN Membership through association with Alliance Partners & ”Friends”.
    • (e.g. They refer people to RPCN, and become sources of new RPCN Members).
    • Provide Opportunities to increase RPCN’s:
 - Community influence
 - Collaboration with other organizations

 - Outreach

    • Raise the Visibility, Image, and Reputation of RPCN as an “organization of value” to:
  - Startup & Practicing Consultants (and people exploring Consulting as a career).
  - People/organizations seeking help from consultants.
  - Influential community organizations.
Alliance Committee Responsibilities:

    • Facilitate formation of new relationships, both Formal “Alliances” and less-formal “Friends”. (Encourage and respond to Alliance suggestions from RPCN members, and from outside RPCN).
    • Monitor and maintain current RPCN relationships. Keep Alliances updated and active.
    • Maintain a list of RPCN Alliances (including key contacts in RPCN).

Current RPCN Alliances (Including RPCN contact person):

    • Eastman Business Park: (Sandra Glanton)
        -RPCN members provide articles for the Business Park Blog
        -Business Park resident companies gain knowledge to improve their business.
        -RPCN members are recognized for their expertise.
    • Fairport Chamber of Commerce: (Bob Manard)
        -RPCN is a member of Fairport Chamber.
        -Chamber events offer networking opportunities for RPCN members.
    •  Global Leadership Summit: (David Powe)
        -RPCN members help plan & volunteer at annual Summit Conference in Rochester.
        -Conference Discounts for RPCN members.
    •  University of Rochester Simon School: (Dave Bassett)
        -RPCN provides mentors for UR “Simon Vision” student consulting project teams.  -Student Teams become       better able to solve problems for actual companies outside of UR
        -RPCN members expand their networks and get expertise mentoring younger professionals.
    • Pathstone:
      RPCN has provided mentoring for Pathstone’s business clients who acquire loans from Pathstone. (The Pathstone alliance is currently inactive due to their personnel changes. David Powe is working with the new Pathstone director to renew this alliance).



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