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RPCN Library

RPCN maintains an extensive library of business books and other materials to assist its members with their businesses. You must be a member of RPCN to borrow books from the library.  Join RPCN!

All of the materials in the RPCN library are listed in either of the following two files, one an Excel file and the other a PDF file. Click on either one to view the library.

Excel File

PDF File

To check out any books or materials from the library, contact Ruth Balkin. Please read the RPCN Loan Policies.

Book Reviews by RPCN members

21 Days to Success Through Networking
By Ron Sukenick and Ken Williams, 144 pages
Reviewed by Steve Royal, RPCN

Million Dollar Consulting Proposals
How to Write a Proposal That is Accepted Every Time

By Alan Weiss, (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012)
Reviewed by Lawrence R. Berger

RCPN Library



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