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Want to comment or suggest a question of your own?

Who are the RPCN members and which professions do they represent?

What does it cost to be a member of RPCN?

What are the benefits of being a member of RPCN?

When does RPCN meet?

What topics are discussed at RPCN meetings?

Is RPCN local or part of a national group?

I haven’t been in business for a long time. I don’t know if I am current in my understanding of what software, or hardware for that matter, I’m likely to need to get started again. Can RPCN help me?

I am not sure about starting my own business. How can RPCN help me decide whether consulting is the correct path for me?

I have had a consulting business previously but that was a long time ago. What has changed in the last 32 years?  How can RPCN help me do it right this time?

What is RPCN all about? How can it help me?

What if I just want to attend the meetings (in person or online)?

Can RPCN help me evaluate whether my business idea is a good one?

Will RPCN help me market my business?

Do people come to the RPCN website to find people like me?

Are there members of RPCN who can help me get started? How do I get affiliated with one of the member businesses?

Can RPCN help me get clients?

When did RPCN begin?

Who is eligible for RPCN membership?

What kinds of businesses belong to RPCN?

Do I have to come every week?

Besides information learned at presentations and forums, what skills and experience can I receive?

Are there subgroups in RPCN who which have similar professional interests to mine?

What ethical rules exist for RPCN's members?

How popular is RPCN in Rochester?

What is the best way to learn from other RPCN members?

How can I benefit from RPCN meetings?

Are there examples of members whose consulting practice have truly benefited from RPCN?

Why is there a cost for some RPCN meetings?

Want to comment or suggest a question of your own? To make a suggestion for an additional FAQ, CLICK HERE



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