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RPCN Entrepreneurs Wall of Fame Awards          

Candidates for these awards (an author, another consultant, an entrepreneur or anyone that has contributed to the growth or the development of RPCN or the Rochester area) can be nominated by anyone who can tell a good story about why those nominated deserve to be recognized. Supporting documentation may be provided. Anyone can nominate more than one person in one or more of the categories.

Community Champion

This award recognizes the person judged to have provided direction or guidance that resulted in a noteworthy improvement in the community or in a community service organization in the area.

Leadership Award

This award recognizes a leader within their business or organization, who promotes business growth and fosters diversity.

Entrepreneur of the Year

This award is for an entrepreneur who had the most noteworthy achievement in business. The individual may have landed their business a state award or recognition, created a significant number of jobs, experienced significant growth within their business, or had the most community benefit.

Linda Halliburton Friend of RPCN Award (Non-Member)

This award recognizes any non-RPCN member whose dedication helped to increase visibility, grow membership, or promote the principles of RPCN to the community. It is named for Linda Halliburton, former member of the Business Division at the Rochester Central Library, who voluntarily recommended RPCN to library clients by citing our benefits, providing organization materials, and attaching our contact information to the library’s books about consulting.

Dave Young Dedicated Service Award (RPCN Member)

This award honors any member of RPCN whose efforts of devotion and dedication greatly benefits RPCN’s organization, growth, programs, or standing in the community. It is named in memory of Dave Young, a founding member of RPCN, who put forward many 'behind the scenes' efforts from the earliest organizational meetings to make RPCN a reality (candidate must be an RPCN Member).



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