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                                                                                                   March 2022

Ten Tips for Networking at Zoom Meetings (Make the Most of Your Video Opportunities)

Zoom Meetings

We use video meetings to accommodate COVID restrictions, but we miss in-person meetings where we could network freely. Alert: Video Meetings are here to stay. In-person meetings will return, but won’t eliminate Zoom and its advantages. So, embrace the ”Zoom Networking Reality”.

Tips for Zoom Networking

“Let’s go for coffee right after the meeting” has become “Let’s do a Zoom breakout room”. It’s a new way to build relationships and grow your network. Zoom is fairly easy to learn, but subtle factors can affect your video persona. Video can magnify small deficiencies and slip-ups. Here’s how to build your Zoom persona and avoid some pitfalls.

  1. Top-notch Intro: Thirty seconds or less is a good target. Help others to believe you’re an interesting person. Tell them: Who you are; What you do and for whom; the value you provide clients or others. Maybe end with a slogan. (If unemployed or not in business, avoid “I’m Retired”. It gives poor impressions like “In my rocking chair, watching the world go by”. Try something like “I’m exploring the next phase of my life”).
  2. Be Focused and Alert: Listen attentively, especially to questions and answers. Use eye contact and body language to show your interest (even if you’re bored). Don’t drift off or multitask. Block noises, interruptions, distractions (phones, pets, children). If you step away, excuse yourself, mute audio, and turn off the video.
  3. Ask Good Questions: Incisive questions help you (and others) better understand the content and learn more from a presenter. Good questions can shine favorably on you and encourage others to meet you.
  4. Video Image: Clothing: Neat and fresh, not like you just woke up (no pajamas). Background: Clean & tidy. No bright light behind you. (If virtual background: No distractions or detractions. Include company logo). Lighting: Front bright light on you. Eye-Contact: Look into the camera, not at yourself. Voice Quality: It’s affected by volume setting, microphone, computer, internet connection, and echoes. Technology: Put the money you save on travel, clothing, soap, and deodorant, into equipment that supports good Zooming.
  5. On-Line Business Card: Introduce yourself in the “Chat”. Have your name, organization, and contact info ready in a file to copy and paste into “Chat” (Tip from Tom Fecteau).
  6. Speaking: Obey your host’s rules for speaking (e.g. Raise “Zoom hand” to speak). Babble-sessions erupt when people jump in and speak. Stay “muted” until it’s your turn. Always remember to “unmute” before you speak. Put comments or questions in “Chat”.
  7. Break-Out Rooms: If the host will arrange it, request that you and your “networking partner” be assigned to a break-out room where you can get to know each other. If you want more people, ask for them.
  8. LinkedIn: Before you leave, invite people to connect. It’s a quick, effective follow-up to your meeting. Invite them to other social media.
  9. Follow-up: Set up a 1-on-1 for after the Zoom meeting (on phone, in-person, etc.).
  10. Practice: Try the “tips” in test meetings on your Zoom with a friend who’ll give honest feedback. Make needed changes. Practice until you’re natural and comfortable.

Go forth and prosper by networking on Zoom.

Bob Lurz

Did You Know? RPCN Logo for Websites

Do you have a website for your business? Hopefully, the answer is Yes.

Do you enjoy RPCN and want others to know about this great organization? Hopefully, the answer is Yes.

Let’s say that you are building or maintaining your website and you realize that a link to
RPCN would look good, bring others to RPCN, and, most importantly, might bring you some business. After all, although your website will provide information about your business, the RPCN website can provide a potential client with much more information about the “real” you through your Profile.

You have been keeping your Profile current – right?

After checking your Profile, you decide to add a link to RPCN to your website. Now what? Turns out that RPCN has an “official” image called an “RPCN Logo” that has been designed for exactly that purpose. It looks like this:

You can find this image with instructions on our website after you log in. Just go to Members Only and scroll down to RPCN Logo for Websites. The instructions provide two methods for entering and linking it to your website or email signature. The easiest method is to Copy and Paste the image. If that doesn’t work, some HTML code to be added to your website is provided.

Whatever method you choose, this badge will look terrific on your website and may ultimately help both RPCN and your business. Just remember to link the image to our website at

Steve Royal

Enhancing Human Capital
Lunch & Learn Updates

Last Month's Lunch-n-Learn

In February’s EHC Lunch-n-Learn we discussed “Coaching and Mentoring Employees”. We defined what it means to be a coach and also what it means to be a mentor. We then discussed the differences between them, and how to be effective at each. Finally, we reviewed the common denominators between the two and talked about what it takes to incorporate these skills to make a great leader. The session was led by Devin K. Floyd, Past President of RPCN and President of NYOCON.

Upcoming Lunch-n-Learn – March 17  – Zoom Meeting

Please join us for the next installment of RPCN’s EHC virtual Lunch –n- Learn on Thursday, March 17 at 11:30 AM via Zoom, where we will discuss Building Trust Through Private Victories  (subtitled - Covey's 1st 3 Habits in Action).  We all know that trust is critical in well-functioning teams (whether the teams be internal within a single company or external including clients, suppliers, and partners) and we will discuss how through a continual process of self-improvement and honing the first three of Stephen R. Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” we can build trust.  

To get more information about EHC or learn how to register for the March 17 program, please contact the EHC team at or join us on March 17 at 11:30 via Zoom. The luncheon is open to members and non-members alike, but please register as it will help us with the logistics of organizing the Zoom meeting.

RPCN Video

Watch the introductory video here.

Upcoming RPCN Events

Visit the RPCN website for a list of all upcoming events.

Technical Forum
Friday, March 4, 2022
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. 

The Practical Workshop Series - Goal (Re)Setting for 2022 Success
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Urgent Leadership Changes in Reaction to The Great Resignation
Presented by Bob Whipple
Friday, March 11, 2022
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.

Enhancing Human Capital Lunch N' Learn: Building Trust Through Private Victories
Thursday, March 17, 2022
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Business Forum
Friday, March 18, 2022
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. 

RPCN Board Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Friday, March 18, 2022
10:00 - 11:30 a.m. 

Ten Tips for Networking at Zoom Meetings
Presented by Bob Lurz
Friday, March 25, 2022
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.

The Crazy-making Language we call American English (and yes, British English is every bit as bad)

Real mistakes and/or ambiguous communications from my collection:

As I received it:

"Writing to me is a healer." she wrote.

Clearly, healing or not, the lack of commas is far from healing to the reader.

Writing to the “me” is a healer to whom? Would I be healed if I wrote to her? That is precisely what is implied by the sentence as it was written. However, it is not what she meant.

I figured out that what she intended was “Writing, to me, is a healer.” Transformation! Add two commas and it makes sense! It is the WRITER who is healed by writing.

To take the clarifying a step further, I hope that, had I been the author, I would have written it as “To me, writing is a healer.” Because it is.

If you receive or have received, any strangely ambiguous examples for my collection, please send them to me at Thank you.

Next month – some words that contradict themselves.

Diana Gardner Robinson, Ph.D.

Request from the Editors

When submitting material to be included in the RPCN newsletter, please:
1. Send the submission TO and not to individuals.
2. Include the words “For RPCN Newsletter” in the subject line. (Some people send articles to ALL RPCN members themselves, and it is often difficult to distinguish those that are being circulated independently from those intended for inclusion in the newsletter.)

Membership Information

Not an RPCN member? You can join RPCN now to receive great benefits, including free admission to RPCN presentations, a listing in the RPCN Member Directory, and discounts to RPCN events. Click here for more information on joining RPCN.

Program Ad Sheets

At every RPCN meeting, and at our events and tradeshow booths, RPCN distributes the Program Ad sheets.

Ads are inexpensive and support RPCN. The cost for members to advertise is $20 for 2 months. For non-members, the cost is $40 for 2 months. The deadline to get your ad included in the March/April 2022 calendar ad sheet is February 15, 2021. Send questions and ad copy to Mary Sperr.

We want your news!

The RPCN newsletter welcomes news, success stories, tips, resources, events and other items that would be of broad interest to consultants. Submit a newsletter item to for inclusion. 

Melanie Watson, Publisher 
Diana Robinson, Copyeditor

The deadline for submitting material for our next newsletter is the 21st of this month.

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