Surprise Networking
A real-life story of networking success

Before creating my Consultants Accelerator business, I helped a startup company seek funding for an innovative product. We developed a funding plan, and actively engaged potential investors. Unfortunately, they all declined to fund our venture. We did acquire an investor through a method that wasn’t in our plan, however. It started with Surprise Networking.
Unexpected Opportunity
One day, in my golf league, I shared a cart with a substitute golfer. Because of back pain, he only played five holes, and never played in the league again. During our short time together, I asked what he did for a living. He had started his own manufacturing company and built it into a successful corporation. He was semi-retired when we met.
When he asked what I did. I said: “I’m helping a startup company find investors for a patent-pending invention.” I described the product concept, and how it met users’ needs. As he left our cart, we exchanged business cards, and he said, “I sometimes invest in new companies. Give me a call - but, wait until this Fall when I expect an investment to pay off.”
Instead of waiting until Fall, I called in June and explained more about our startup. Then, I e-mailed him product information, the link to our website, and newspaper articles about customer problems needing our solution. Also, I suggested he meet our company founders to discuss the business potential of the invention. We all met in July, and he brought along a friend/advisor who also invested in startups.
The Payoff
I kept in touch by phone, e-mail, and in person. When he and our founders met again in October, he agreed that he would finance our venture through the prototype phase. We signed a contract - AND, He wrote our first investment check, which caused much celebration!
To advise and help us, he connected us with other startups in which he invested. He wrote more checks as our project progressed through the next year. Our “Angel” investor was committed to our success (all because of networking with a stranger in a golf cart).
The Lesson
You too can make Surprise Networking payoff:
- Show sincere interest in the person and their business by asking questions, and having them talk more than you do.
- Freely give information, referrals, and advice (without expectation of a return).
- Be prepared for unexpected encounters.
- Treat every person as an opportunity by being alert and perceptive.
- Tell your story in a compelling way.
- Don’t act like a pushy salesperson.
- Exhibit confidence in the value you offer.
- Follow up ASAP.
Now my Networking Motto is, “Hey, you never know!”
—Bob Lurz
Enhancing Human CapitalSM (EHCSM)
Lunch-n-Learn Updates
Last Month's Lunch-n-Learn
We held another RPCN EHC Lunch–n–Learn on Thursday, October 19 at 11:30 AM on Zoom and discussed and explored the views of Stephen M.R. Covey from his recent book, Trust and Inspire.
- In it, Covey clarifies and illustrates his belief that leadership systems are beginning to change and must continue to do as the management and leadership practices that have been in place known as “command and control” must evolve to “trust and inspire.”
- Covey illustrates these concepts by articulating numerous principles that leadership must employ to be more effective.
The group discussed a few of these principles, among which is “there is enough for everyone.”
- He argues that the traditional mindset of scarcity is a limiting belief that hinders progress and growth.
- Participants discussed similar concepts and shared ideas on how to work with this new approach so that we can better understand how to model a “trust and inspire” mindset.
Upcoming Lunch-n-Learn
Continuing the “Trust and Inspire” theme, we invite you to please join us for the next installments of RPCN’s EHC virtual Lunch–n–Learn. It is a special two-part session. The first part will be held on Friday, November 10, at 8:00 AM and the second part will be held on Thursday, November 16 at 11:30 AM via a Zoom meeting.
This month’s topic is: “Becoming a Trust and Inspire Leader.” We’ll discuss concepts from Stephen M.R. Covey’s recent book, Trust and Inspire.
In part one, we’ll give some background on EHC itself and then discuss several various leadership styles that exist, from a command-and-control view through to the enlightened Trust and Inspire leader.
- We’ll then delve more deeply into the traits of a Trust and Inspire leader, focusing the discussion on what Covey considers the five fundamental beliefs of such a leader.
- In part two we’ll explore those five fundamental beliefs in even greater detail and, if time permits, we’ll also discuss several leadership styles that exist, from a command-and-control view through to the enlightened Trust and Inspire leader.
RPCN’s Enhancing Human CapitalSM Lunch-n-Learns are held via Zoom on the third Thursday of every month, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. ET. Please join us for the next event, FREE of charge. To get more information about EHCSM, please see , or email the EHC team.
Membership Committee News
Meet the New Members!
Our community continues to see value in RPCN, as demonstrated by more new business owners as well as established business owners wanting to connect with all of you. Please welcome the following members with a quick email or hello at our events. Here is a brief recap, and you can go to our Members Only Member Directory to obtain their contact information.
- Ralph Bocchino, RB Trade Consulting LLC
- Ann Hutchison, M-Co Consulting Group
- Peter Fling, Signature Notary LLC
- Rita Sherman, OE2 Consulting
- Mike Palanski, PhD, MPower2Lead
- Jonathan Rosenfeld, Innovating Edge, Inc.
Volunteer Opportunities – Two Outreach Volunteers Needed
The RPCN Membership Committee is looking for members who enjoy expanding their connections and learning about other members and people interested in RPCN. We are looking for two more Outreach Volunteers. If you’re a curious type of individual, believe in the power of connections, and want to have an impact on RPCN, contact us. Your minimum time investment would be just 30 minutes a week and should never exceed three hours a month.
Interested, curious? Reach out to the RPCN Membership Chair, Tom Fecteau at or 315.447.0425 for more details.
—Tom Fecteau, Membership Chair
RPCN Video

Watch the introductory video here.
Upcoming RPCN Events
Visit the RPCN website for a list of all upcoming events.
Technical Forum
In-Person or Virtually
Friday, November 3, 2023
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Becoming a Trust and Inspire Leader (Part 1)
Presented by Dave Bassett
In-Person or Virtually
Friday, November 10, 2023
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Enhancing Human Capital Lunch N' Learn
Topic: Becoming a Trust and Inspire Leader (Part 2)
Thursday, November 16, 2023
11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Business Forum
In-Person or Virtually
Friday, November 17, 2023
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
RPCN Board Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend.
In-Person or Virtually
Friday, November 17, 2023
10:00 - 11:30 a.m.
No meeting on Nov. 24th!
Happy Thanksgiving!
RPCN Holiday Party!
Joe Gatt's Restaurant, Penfield
Thursday, December 7, 2023
6:30 - 9:00 p.m.
An Update On Your RPCN LinkedIn Group
A month ago, the status of the Rochester Professional Consultants Network Group changed.
- When you post or share some professional advice or small business insight, it now can be discovered by the LinkedIn world.
- Previously, it was kept just between the LinkedIn Group Members.
- The doors are now open!
You now can repost your industry tips and knowledge and increase the possibility of more people discovering you and your expertise beyond your personal LinkedIn page.
- The Good News is that in the first few weeks, there have been many more advice and learning posts in the group.
- That has resulted in a significant increase in traffic, views, interactions, and comments. This is where it all starts, the proverbial snowball just starting down the hill.
- Please keep the momentum rolling and improve your LinkedIn exposure by posting and commenting to Rochester Professional Consultants Network Group.
If you’re not already a member of our group, click the name (link) above and then click on JOIN.
- There is no fee to belong to this group.
- Remember that this is a separate entity from your RPCN Membership.
- If you need more information, you can refer to last month’s newsletter announcement or reach out to me directly at
Grow yourself and RPCN by participating!
—Tom Fecteau
Books to Help You Develop a Successful Mindset
The Answer: Grow Any Business, Achieve Financial Freedom, and Live an Extraordinary Life by John Assaraf & MurraySmith
Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life by Shakti Gawain
10-Minute Toughness: The Mental Training Program for Winning Before the Game Begins by Jason Selk
The Productivity Zone: A Simple System for Time Management by Morgan Tyree
—Mark Fling, RPCN President
We want your news!The RPCN newsletter welcomes news, success stories, tips, resources, events, and other items that would be of broad interest to consultants. To submit a newsletter item, send an email with the announcement in an attached Word file to
Melanie Watson, Publisher
Sandra Glanton, Copyeditor
The deadline for submitting material for our next newsletter is the 21st of this month.
Request from the Editors
When submitting material to be included in the RPCN newsletter, please:
1. Send the submission TO and not to individuals.
2. Include the words “For RPCN Newsletter” in the subject line. (Some people send articles to ALL RPCN members themselves, and it is often difficult to distinguish those that are being circulated independently from those intended for inclusion in the newsletter.)
3. Please attach a .doc instead of typing your submission within the email.