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August 2018

A monthly newsletter from the Rochester Professional Consultants Network.

President's Letter

It is both an honor and a pleasure to serve as the RPCN President during the coming year. Building upon the fine work of my predecessors, most recently Bob Menard, Laurie Enos, David Powe, Dave Bassett and the many others before them, I’d like to dedicate this year to building stronger communications. 

We have begun to assess all our committees and to articulate their purpose and place in the organization. Materials are now being prepared that will allow you to better see the array of opportunities within the organization. Following that, we invite all our members and interested parties to join one of the committees to further engage in RPCN. Although not mandatory, it does provide another great opportunity for member networking.

As always, we welcome your suggestions and comments. I look forward to talking with you soon. 

Joyce Curran, President

Transitioning to Past President

It was a great honor and privilege to be the President of the Rochester Professional Consultants Network for the past year.

I know I’m leaving RPCN in good hands with Joyce Curran taking over as president. Joyce has been an active Board Member and Vice President and she will do a great job as our new President.

I will still be an Officer and Board Member of the organization while I transition into my new role as the Immediate Past President. I’ll continue to support the Board and our Committee Chairs to make this organization even better. In my new role, I will be focusing most of my RPCN energy on getting our new website launched.

Thank you for allowing me to lead RPCN over the last year. It has been a truly rewarding experience.

Bob Manard, Immediate Past President

“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”  

—Walt Disney

RPCN’s Summer Fun Event is August 16!

Take a limo bus from Pittsford Plaza to the Black Button Distillery and Genesee Brewery for tours, tastings, and dinner.

When: Thursday, August 16, 2018

5:00 p.m. – meet the limo bus at Pittsford Plaza
9:30 p.m. – limo bus drops us off at Pittsford Plaza

Cost: $30 for members, $35 for non-members

Additional costs: tastings at Black Button Distillery ($5.00) and dinner at Genesee Brew House

Due to the limo size, we are limited to 30 people attending this event so sign up early!

Click here to register. 

Help Wanted

RPCN is looking for a volunteer Barista to be responsible for managing the morning coffee operation when we hold events at Five Star Bank. The position involves managing the supplies, brewing the coffees, and cleaning up after the meetings. You would need to be at Five Star at 7:30 am twice per month and be able to stay for cleanup until approximately 9:45 am. This would be a great experience for someone interested in understanding their clients in the foodservice industry. If you are interested, please contact Bob Manard at

Look for our Updated Marketing Materials

RPCN’s Marketing Committee and the new president, Joyce Curran, are reviewing all RPCN printed marketing materials. Look for these new pieces at the Welcome Desk at future meetings!

Want to Advertise to Members & Guests?

RPCN creates and distributes a calendar ad sheet every 2 months. The calendar ad sheet is distributed at each of our meetings, so approximately 150 to 200 people see your ad each month!

Ads are inexpensive and support RPCN. The cost to advertise is $20 for 2 months (member price) and $40 for 2 months (non-member price). The deadline to get your ad in the September/October 2018 calendar ad sheet is Friday, August 17, 2018. Sign up for your ad here.

New library books added recently:

To see all of the available library books, click here. If you'd like to borrow a library book, email

Allen, David. Making it all Work. (“David Allen’s productivity principles are rooted in big ideas…but they’re also eminently practical.” –Keith H. Hammonds, Fast Company)

Blake, Jenny. Pivot – the Only Move that Matters is your Next One. (“Jenny was a speaker at a recent AIIP conference. She was a co-creator of Google’s Career Guru program.  We consultants are always making changes. This book will help you do it better.” –Ruth Balkin, Owner, Balkin Information Services)

Mucciolo, Tom and Rich. Purpose Movement Color – A Strategy for Effective Presentations (donated by David Powe). Includes a special section on electronic presentations.

Wickman, Gino. Traction – Get a Grip on your Business (“This book is a must for any business owner and their management team. Traction provides a powerful, practical, and simple system for running your business.” –Dan Sullivan, President and Founder, The Strategic Coach)

Yarnell, Mark, et al. How to Become Filthy, Stinking Rich Through Network Marketing (without alienating friends and family).

Naylor, Ellen. Win/Loss Analysis – How to Capture and Keep the Business you want.” Ellen Naylor is Ruth’s fellow member of the Association of Independent Information Professionals. 

RPCN Video

Watch the new introductory video here.

RPCN Podcast

To listen to an RBJ podcast in which RPCN's David Powe and Laurie Enos talk about our great organization, click here.

Upcoming Events

Visit our website to register for any of these events.

Technical Forum
Friday, August 3, 2018, 
8:00 - 9:30 a.m. 
Pittsford Community Library

"Everything you wanted to know about franchising but were afraid to ask"
Panel discussion led by John Adams 
Friday, August 10, 2018
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Five Star Bank, Citygate

Business Forum
Friday, August 17, 2018
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Pittsford Community Library

RPCN Board Meeting
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Friday, August 17, 2018
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Pittsford Library

"SCORE: Your business secret success weapon"
Presented by Tamara MacDuff 
Friday, August 24, 2018
8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Five Star Bank, Citygate

Surprise Thursday
Social Networking

Thursday, August 30, 2018
6:30 p.m.
Location TBD

Of Interest

RocGrowth Coffee
August 3, 2018, 7:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Carlson Cowork
FREE. Register to attend.

Learn to Soar 4.0
SCORE Rochester
September 5, 2018, 8:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Monroe Golf Club
FREE. Register to attend.

New members

RPCN welcomes the following new members:

Thomson Chew

Not an RPCN member? You can join RPCN now to receive great benefits, including free admission to RPCN presentations, a listing in the RPCN Member Directory, and discounts to RPCN events. Click here for more information on joining RPCN.

We want you!

The RPCN newsletter welcomes news, success stories, tips, resources, events and other items that would be of broad interest to consultants. Submit a newsletter item to for inclusion. 

Steve Royal, Publisher
Melanie Watson, Project Manager 
Diana Robinson, Copyeditor

Please send content for the September newsletter by August 20, 2018.



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