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The Art and Science of Marketing Success

  • 11-Sep-2015
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • NeighborWorks, 570 South Ave., Rochester


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
The Art and Science of Marketing Success

Location: NeighborWorks

Presenter: Mark A. Dulaney

As a consultant, you are great at solving the problems your clients face.  But, in order to get a flood of new clients you have to be just as effective at marketing.  Because so many consultants struggle at marketing, they are often unable to help as many individuals or companies as they are capable of helping.
I want to help make your marketing simpler and more successful by combining the "Art" of marketing with the "Science" of quality improvement.  In this workshop you will receive a two-step process that will give you a solid plan to dramatically improve your marketing.
In part one of this workshop you will learn this formula for marketing improvement

Your revenues = E x Q x A x I x Dsp x Om x Oa

You will learn how to use this formula to turn the art of marketing into seven specific elements that will help you clearly define your market, reach them, craft an effective message, and compose the offers they are most likely to accept.  Once these elements are in place you will know how to more effectively market on a daily basis. 

Now that you have a clearly defined market, message, and a profitable offer, now it is time to use something more scientific to steadily improve your marketing.  That is why in part two of this workshop you will learn this acronym that will help you improve in every area of your marketing

C. H. A. M. P. I. O. N. S.

This acronym will show you nine very specific actions you can take to steadily improve your ability to market your products and services.  These nine actions are used consistently by the top 5 percent of income earners, wealth creators, and marketers as well as the top one percent of world champion athletes and award winning entertainers, but rarely ever used by the rest of the population. 

When this workshop is done you will know how to combine the formula from part one with the acronym from part two to create, implement, and improve every element of your marketing as well as other areas of your business.
 Three key learnings  the audience will take away from your program?

  1. The "Art" of creating a marketing campaign that best markets their product or service to the market that is most likely to buy from the person or company doing the marketing or selling. 
  2. The "Science" of steadily improving that campaign until it creates the results the person or company wants to create.
  3. The marketing fantasy that every marketer has.  That fantasy is if we post it, say it, blog it, tweet it, print it, or say it enough times, eventually people will get it and just throw their money at us.

Here is an excellent short video in which Mark describes why you should attend his presentation.

Mark Dulaney

About Mark A. Dulaney:

Mark admits it, because anyone can print a business card and create a title, he is one-of-a-million coaches / authors / trainers.

The reality is, in 1985 Mark began studying the top 5% of income earners, wealth creators, and marketers as well as the top 1% of world champion athletes and award winning entertainers to see what makes them GREAT!

Then, for the last 10 years Mark studied those who struggle and those who create mediocre results to understand the differences between those who become "Great" and the rest of the population.

This actually makes Mark One-In-A-Million coaches / authors / trainers!

Mark can explain what happens from the moment a "Thought of Success" enters your mind until it becomes a powerful action, weak action, no action, or a destructive action. 

Today, Mark wants to help you turn your "Thought of Success" into consistent, powerful, and effective actions that create your "Reality of Success!"

Open to the public.

No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.

Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester.



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