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Concepts Of Building A Conscious Business & Organization

  • 13-Nov-2015
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • NeighborWorks, 570 South Ave., Rochester


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Concepts Of Building A Conscious Business & Organization

(Conscious Capitalism For Consultants)

Presenter: Bob Freese

Conscious Capitalism is a growing global movement around a business philosophy that has four key characteristics: Higher Purpose; Stakeholder Orientation; Conscious Leadership and Conscious Culture.  Companies that practice these principles, with sound business practices, create more financial and other kinds of societal wealth: more fulfilled employees, happy and loyal customers, innovative and profitable suppliers, thriving and environmentally healthy communities and more. Go to to learn more in advance of the workshop.

Details: The compelling dynamics of the Conscious Capitalism narrative (applicable to any organization, profit, non-profit and government) constitute a powerful and sustainable model. The seminal and enlightening research from Dr. Raj Sisodia (Firms of Endearment and Conscious Capitalism), Daniel Pink (Drive) and the inspiring work of Simon Sinek (Why) constitute the foundation of this engaging and interactive workshop, looking at building a Conscious Business as well as a Conscious Organization.

Three key learnings  the audience will take away from this  program:

Know what Conscious Capitalism is
  1. Understand mega-trends effecting work and life across the entire planet
  2. Have an uplifted feeling that the world is in better shape than the mainstream media presents it and that we all can make a difference to build a better spaceship earth!

Here is a short video in which Bob describes his presentation plus some interesting information about his business.

Bob FreeseThe bottom line is I am an Organizational Coach focusing on building cultures that successfully and safely engage at all levels. With clients, we successfully co-create a Conscious and Mindful Business, embracing a logical and deployable mix of Conscious Capitalism, Change Management and a simple, 5 step model called Practical Leadership.  This approach enables leaders and teams to work together for success, and quite simply, it just works.

Open to the public.

No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.

Refreshments will be available. A "Tip Jar" is also provided. Your contribution is appreciated.

Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester.



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