Writing for Fulfillment: The Story Within™
Presenter: Sandy Glanton
Is there a book, article, or poem in you that you have wanted to write? Are you intimidated by the writing experience or just don't know how to get started? Attend my session and learn how to prepare yourself to write and pursue the experience from the start to a successful conclusion. The end goal is to make the writing experience easy and fun! Course Objectives When you complete this course, you will know how to develop a concept, write, and publish a book from idea to final output. Course Outline 1. Developing a concept for your writing and plan out your concept 2. Determining how you want to market and publish this book 3. Developing a first draft 4. Working through an EDIT cycle and incorporate your edits 5. Developing a final draft and work through the final EDIT 6. Understanding publishing
Refreshments will be available. A "Tip Jar" is also provided. Your contribution is appreciated.
Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester. Entrance and free parking in the rear of the building (Averill & Hamilton)
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