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Branding: Attract Clients and Stand Out

  • 27-Jan-2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • NeighborWorks, 570 South Ave., Rochester


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Branding: Attract Clients and Stand Out

Presenter: Michelle Roberts

Are you finding it hard to attract the right clients? Or maybe you want to charge more for the work you do? It all starts with building great brand to help you stand out from the crowd. Understanding your why, how and what is a driving force to communicate your value to get more leads and drive more sales. Whether it's leveraging your personal brand or business brand learn how to build a brand you're known for.

Three Key Learnings The Audience Will Take Away From This Program.

  1. Learn what Branding is and what it's not.
  2. Understand how to build your brand using the Novus step-by-step process.
  3. Group brand assessment to discover ways to grow your brand.

Branding is so much more than your logo. It's the sum of all of the experiences you create for your customer from logo, website, price, customer experience, photography, office space, and more. Branding is crucial for every business, no matter the size or industry.

Refreshments will be available.

A "Tip Jar" is also provided. Your contribution is appreciated.

Here's a Map to 570 South Ave., Rochester. Entrance and free parking in the rear of the building (Averill & Hamilton)



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