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The Millennial Connection

  • 12-May-2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 14618


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
The Millennial Connection

Presenter: Chris LaForest

Millennials will soon outnumber all other sub-generations combined and in 5 years will control 75% of the spending power in America… and the folks in control are not training people to work with Millennials. What drives Millennials? What's important? How do they think, buy and communicate?

This class will answer all that and more.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:

  1.  How Millennials think
  2.  How Millennials communicate
  3.  How Millennials buy


Chris LaForest is the founder of Millennial Coaching, and the creator of the MASS Production Coaching model. He is lifetime veteran of commission sales holding no position that wasn’t directly compensated through levels of production. He has been awarded top sales rep awards for every position he has held within fields of electronics, insurance, home services, construction and consulting. He’s held positions in front line and directorial management in the corporate sector, as well, leading hundreds to sales success. As an officer in the US Military for 10 years, Christopher has trained hundreds of soldiers on personal and professional development. His focus is to deliver you so much value it is impossible to for anyone to question it.

Refreshments will be available.

Coffee Sponsorships available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a map to Brighton Town Hall.



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