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Minute to Win It

  • 09-Jun-2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave., Rochester 14618


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
Minute to Win It

Presenter: Shiela Kennedy

In business and in life, we have a few precious seconds to make a lasting first impression.  It is vital to create an invitation that appeals to the receiver and sets you apart from the rest of the invitations.  Positioning and clear messaging can be a fantastic place to start.  Join Sheila Kennedy, Marketer, Publisher and Platform Builder at The Zebra Ink, who will share how to create your Minute to Win It in your business.  Walk away with solid strategies on how communicate more effectively.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:

  1.  How to position yourself uniquely in the marketplace
  2.  Create sound bites for your business for media and external sales force use
  3.  Learn elements of a press kit and speaker sheet that attracts media attention and paid speaking gigs


Advocate for Action.  Crusader for Choice.  Promoter of POWER.  Writer of Wisdom.  Speaker of Stories.  Marketer of Moxie and Prove-them-wrong Publisher of The Zebra Ink.

Believing everyone has a story to tell, Sheila Kennedy supports others as they write their wisdom, speak their stories and impact the world with what they have been called to share.  Sheila serves best by leading those she is blessed to know through the minefield of vulnerability traveled when sharing hard won wisdom with others.

A two-time solo author, a co-author of an award winning anthology, keynote speaker, marketer, publisher, platform and profit builder, Sheila strives to open the doors of opportunity for authors, speakers and entrepreneurs to be seen, heard and hired.  Aside from her daughter, her greatest joy in life is connecting others with the resources and audience they need to succeed.

Refreshments will be available.

Coffee Sponsorships available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a map to Brighton Town Hall.



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