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The three cures for the 800 pound phone syndrome

  • 22-Sep-2017
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall, 2300 Elmwood Ave. Rochester 14618


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
The three cures for the 800 pound phone syndrome

Presenter: Lawrence R. Berger

In business, we have to make calls to contact clients, get financing, deal with vendors,  etc.  Some folks find it hard to make those important calls. In RPCN, we've come to refer to this as "The 800/1000 pound phone syndrome." It comes up month after month as a question in the business forum.

Of my thirty year sales career, twenty two have been spent selling over the phone and I've come up with three "Cures"  that can help you making those tough calls. Bottom line: if I can show you how to spend less time having problems and more time getting profits, would you come to the presentation?

Three Key Learnings The Audience Will Take Away From This Program.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:

  1. The three cures.
  2. The meaning of S&D and CPR, NOT what you might think!
  3. Interactive tips to make making calls easier.


Lawrence Berger spent 25 of his 30 years in sales using telesales methods. He is an author with ten books to his credit and has written chapters on the 800 pound phone syndrome.

Refreshments for this meeting provided by Mark Dulaney of

To become a  refreshment sponsor for an RPCN meeting,CLICK HERE or contact Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a map to Brighton Town Hall.



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