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Connect with your confidence to optimize your performance

  • 27-Apr-2018
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank, City Gate


  • No Charge

Registration is closed

Connect with your confidence to optimize your performance

Presenter: Jim Ramerman

Jim Ramerman will present on the connection between Confidence and Performance.

Three key learnings the audience will take away from this program:
  1. Knowledge based on feedback is the foundation for confidence.
  2. Your Most Natural Talent is a powerful source of confidence.
  3. How to integrate Humility and Confidence to build relationships with clients.


Jim RamermanJIM RAMERMAN  is a hands-on transformation expert—a successful CEO and business author in his own right, and a results-driven, innovative leadership and organizational consultant with more than 25 years helping leaders, their teams, and their organizations achieve more.  He is widely known in the area as “the coaches coach.”

Through thought-provoking dialogue, best-practice instruments and tools, professional coaching and consultation, and an engaging style, Jim powerfully helps clients generate the insights and willpower necessary to fuel desired long-term change.  His specializations include CEO coaching, developing high-potential leaders; conflict management; succession planning and building high-performing teams.

Refreshments will be available.

Meeting Sponsorships are available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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