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"Absolutely Abby" to speak to RPCN on October 4

  • 04-Oct-2018
  • 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Five Star Bank at City Gate


  • No Charge

Registration is closed
Absolutely Abby presents

Networking for Introverts, Extroverts and In-Between-Verts

Abby Kohut

Do you attend networking meetings and walk away feeling like you could have been more successful in meeting more people? Do you wait for others to approach you? Do you feel anxious when you try to start a conversation? In today’s world networking is a powerful personal and professional tool we can all use to leverage relationships. To advance in your consulting practice, it's imperative that you get comfortable with networking. But why just be comfortable when it can actually be fun??? Walk away from this interactive event knowing:

  • How to approach anyone anytime without fear
  • How to ask the right questions to new acquaintances
  • How to explain what you do so people will remember you
  • What “paying it forward” is all about
  • Why networking is simply making new friends
Abby Kohut is an award-winning speaker, author, and Human Resources professional who is known around the world as "Absolutely Abby". In the past 18 years, Abby held positions such as Senior Director of Recruiting for Kaplan, Interim Director of Recruiting for Continuum Health Partners, and Manager of Global Recruiting for Alpharma. She is responsible for helping to hire 10,000 people in 8 industries and at all career levels. Abby's website,, was selected as one of the “Top 100 Websites for Your Career” by Forbes and she was also selected as one of the top 100 influential people online according to Fast Company Magazine. She has delivered over 700 live workshops across 33 states on a variety of human resources, job search, social media and business-related subjects during her RV tour around America which began in 2012. Abby has been interviewed on Fox 5, NBC, CBS, ABC, LinkedIn, Monster, Real Simple, The Ladders, Bloomberg Radio, and Forbes. In 2014, CEOWORLD Magazine rated @Absolutely_Abby one of the "Top 25 Women for your Job Search" on Twitter and Business News Daily  rated @Absolutely_Abby as "1 of Top 10 Twitter Accounts Every Jobseeker Should Follow". To learn more about Abby, please visit

Open to the public. There is no charge for this event.



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