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The Building Blocks of Emotional Intelligence

  • 10-May-2019
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank at City Gate


  • No Charge for members

Registration is closed

Presenter: Melanie DellaPietra

This interactive workshop will provide participants with an overview of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and insight into their own strengths with regard to EI. Participants will learn the benefits of EI and how developing EI competencies can strengthen relationships with family, friends, business partners and clients.  All participants will receive their personalized, Unlocking EQ Report*.

Key Takeaways:

Understand Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Emotional Quotient (EQ)

  • Understand the benefits of EI in personal and professional life
  • Understand what EI looks like in action
  • Understand individual EI strengths
  • Learn actionable techniques for increasing EI

*EQ Assessment will need to be completed a few days prior to the workshop in order for results to be shared at the workshop.  The assessment will take ~10 minutes to complete, in one sitting. Because the assessment measures emotions, our recent mood/environment will impact the results, therefore it's best to complete it when feeling calm and clear headed. To take the EQ Assessment, CLICK HERE. Attendees who aren't able to complete the assessment in advance will have an opportunity to do so after the workshop.

The participants will take with them these Key Learnings.

Key Learning #1:  Understand the benefits of EI in personal and professional life
Key Learning #2:  Understand individual EI strengths
Key Learning #3:  Learn actionable techniques for increasing EI

Melanie DellaPietraMelanie DellaPietra is the Founder of People Minded, with a focus on helping organizations in competitive tech industries win the war on talent. By shifting from a focus on talent acquisition to talent development, Melanie helps teams unleash their untapped potential, reducing a reliance on external resources to close the gap. Through her partnership with Six Seconds, Melanie utilizes a variety of tools and assessments, to build bridges for discussing people performance and workplace dynamics in simple, human language. As the local license holder for DisruptHR, Melanie strives to inspire new ways of addressing persistent challenges in organizations and the community. Melanie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Management from St. John Fisher College, a Change Leadership certificate from Cornell University and is a Certified Emotional Intelligence Assessor and Practitioner.

Would you be interested in sponsoring a meeting? First, fill out a Sponsorship form. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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