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How Barter Can Help Your Business: Special TIME & LOCATION

  • 11-Oct-2019
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
  • Irondequoit Public Library, 1290 Titus Ave, Rochester 14617


  • FREE Meeting

    Facilitated forum to discuss any issues relating to the start-up or running of a consulting business.

Registration is closed

Special Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

PLEASE BE ON TIME (but not early).*

Special Location: Irondequoit Public Library

Please read the instructions at the end of this notice.

Presenter: Steven Gerlach

This presentation will cover the value of bartering products and services in a system verses one-to-one bartering. It will also describe how using your cost of goods is better then straight purchasing products and services for your business.

Steven GerlachI'm a father of 2 , married for 32 years. I worked at Kodak for 19 years.
Love the outdoors, Fishing, playing Golf and Softball (still), and traveling.

I have been working in the barter industry for 15 years and added over 1000 new members to the 16,000 nationwide businesses.

There is no cost for this meeting and it is open to the public.

Here is a Map to the Irondequoit Public  Library. The meeting will be held in Room 115 (the Irondequoit Bay Room).

*Note: The door to the building will not be opened until 9:00. 

PLEASE BE ON TIME (but not early).*

Instructions & Information:

  • The entrance to the library is at the rear of the building.
  • To the right of the main door is another entrance with white doors. The words "Meeting Rooms" are above the doors.
  • A library employee will open the Meeting Room doors at 9:00 a.m. -- no earlier. The main doors will be locked. There is also a door around the side of the building which leads directly into our room.
  • We will have to set up the room ourselves, so volunteers will be welcomed.
  • There is a snack room across the hall from our meeting room with coffee and snack machines.
  • We have the room until noon.

Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.



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