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5 to 10 minutes before 8:00 a.m.
Presenter: Diana Robinson, Ph.D
URLs and Domain Names: Hidden Pitfalls, Solutions, and Options
Domain names can be more complicated than many of us realize. Diana will discuss and demonstrate some important issues around the choice of domain names for both business and for personal use. Issues to be covered include:
- The range of "top level domains" available and potential issues that come with them.
- The potential relationship between domain names and SEO.
- Potential pitfalls in the choice of a domain name will be discussed (sometimes hilariously), illustrated by websites with ill-chosen domain names, some of which still exist.
- The use of more than one domain name.
Key Learning #1: An understanding of the domain name options available to them (more than most people realize).
Key Learning #2: An awareness of the relationship (or not) between domain names & SEO.
Key Learning #3: Cautions about potential pitfalls in the choice of domain names.

Diana Gardner Robinson was born and raised in England and came to the United States in 1963. Despite having left school at sixteen, she now has several graduate degrees including a doctorate in social psychology from the University of Rochester earned in 1992.
Diana worked as an addictions counselor in the 1990s, trained as a life coach 1996-1997, and began training future addictions counselors at Monroe Community college in 2000. At MCC she also developed several academic courses, fought a few political battles, and in 2014 received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Adjunct Teaching.
Diana retired from teaching in 2015 and is now focusing on two branches of her business, Choices Success Strategies, LLC. She has returned to her earlier Life Coaching and is currently developing her website copy editing business as a second, but related branch. Her coaching specialties include confident self-presentation and decision-making, and clear communication, especially on websites.
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