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A Sales Cookbook for Consultants, Advisors and Coaches

  • 09-Apr-2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Online using Zoom


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A Sales Cookbook for Consultants, Advisors and Coaches - Baking Tasty Treats While Avoiding Burnt & Chewy Bits

Presenter: Tom Fecteau

Any culinary expert follows a core recipe but is ready to make well thought out adjustments as variables show up. What makes adjustments possible is they already know and have practiced the process, plus they know the science behind all the elements that impact flavor, cooking time, texture and image.

The act of Selling is an incredibly similar mix of knowledge, experience and "in the moment" creativity. However, when selling consulting, advisory or coaching services, we sell the "hope" that all will go as promised or claimed, and that does narrow or alter some steps in the sales process. There is not a single best way, but we each eventually create our own unique best way.

Let's look at some common factors when selling a "promise" and see if there's any place in our existing habits for an update that may be more effective or result in a more enjoyable experience for all.

Key Learning #1: The Six Common Elements of All Sales Processes

Key Learning #2: How the Sequence of Execution Affects Your Chances of Success

Key Learning #3: What You Should Focus On Next for Improved Sales Performance


Tom Fecteau
My college days revealed an innate ability to understand why people and processes sometimes worked, or more often, why they fell far short of meeting the desired outcomes. Over time, I gained deeper lessons from my own miscues and startup failures. I committed to grabbing further insights by studying human behavior science, and applied all this to coach, advise, nurture, and push over 150 small consulting and sales training business start-ups to achieve their dreams.

My current focus is to have a similar impact on growing and startup firms in the greater Upstate NY area to influence the return of a strong business community that will become the foundation for the resurgence of this wonderful area.

Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.



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