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EHC-Enhancing Human Capital: a Resource for RPCN members

  • 23-Jul-2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Online using Zoom

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Reaching beyond our daily boundaries with EHC-Enhancing Human Capitol: a resource for RPCN members

Presenter: EHC Team

We seek to convey how the body of human resource development material, donated to RPCN by Dr. Floyd Tucker, called Enhancing Human Capital, can be an asset for our members. Our intent is to help us all utilize this material to make us more effective in delivering our services. We believe there is much to be gained here that might not be readily available elsewhere to make us more effective contributors to our communities.

Key Learning #1: Gain increased awareness of the content of The Enhancing Human Resources material.

Key Learning #2: Gain an understanding of the possible use of this material as a resource for improved service to our clients.

Key Learning #3: Gain increased understanding how to access and utilize this


EHC Team members, Business & Services

Bob Manard, Faces That Work: Digital Marketing, Websites, Analytics

Bob Lewis, Entrepreneur Central: Guiding small business owners to improve productivity, using entrepreneur practices effectively

David Powe, AIOPX Management. Consultant on Operational Effectiveness

David Finger, Computer Gardner. Technology and Software specialist

Dave Bassett, IP Strategies: Helping businesses protect and improve their IP assets


Note: After the meeting ends, open networking (with private breakout rooms available) will continue until 10:00 a.m. ET for the attendees.

This presentation is sponsored by 

Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.



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