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Navigating the Financial Aspects of Consulting

  • 10-Sep-2021
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Online using Zoom

This meeting will be held online using Zoom. You do not need an account with Zoom. To register for this meeting, click on:

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Navigating the Financial Aspects of Consulting

 Michael Chabalik

This workshop will cover the various aspects of being self-employed from the financial and tax planning perspectives. These topics include being paid 1099 vs. W2, retirement plans for the self-employed, creative ways to access financing with your own funds tax-free and much more!

Key Learning #1: Tax free way to fund your business

Key Learning #2: Retirement Plans for the Self-Employed

Key Learning #3: Considerations when transitioning from W2 to self-employed


Michael Chabalik

Michael has been in the financial services industry 19 years and has been a featured speaker for various organizations spanning almost 2 decades. He currently is a Senior Vice President and Senior Portfolio Manager at UBS Financial Services where his team oversees over $200 million in client assets.

Michael holds a B.S. from RIT, and the CIMA (Certified Investment Management Analyst) and CPWA (Certified Private Wealth Advisor) designations from the Investments and Wlth Institute (formerly known as IMCA).

Michael also enjoys spending time with his family, cooking, exercise and travel.                                   _______________________________

Note: After the meeting ends, open networking (with private breakout rooms available) will continue until 10:00 a.m. ET for the attendees.

Want to sponsor a meeting? Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.



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