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Communication 101

  • 26-Oct-2012
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room


  • Open to the public. No charge for RPCN members. $8.00 for non-members.

Registration is closed
Communication 101

presented by Brian Kane

It's not what you say, but what people hear that counts.  A recent study finds that Congress is talking at a 10th grade level. The worst offender talks at a 7th grade level, yet the guy has advanced degrees.  It's not about talking louder, speaking slowly and enunciating your words.  Find out how to communicate so people will listen.

In order to promote a professional atmosphere, attire is business casual for all attendees.

Bring a cup of your favorite brew and enjoy cookies, networking, and our program.

Open to the public. No charge for RPCN members. $8.00 for non-members.

Get directions to the Brighton Town Hall.



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