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RPCN Leadership Retreat

  • 03-Aug-2012
  • 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
  • Hi Tech Rochester
  • 1


  • There is no charge for RPCN's Leadership Retreat. Registration required.

Registration is closed
RPCN Leadership Retreat

You are invited to participate in RPCN’s Leadership Retreat on Friday, August 3 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm at High Tech Rochester.  Lunch is included.  Although this event is free, you must register HERE if you plan to attend.

Read this message through a get a free book!

This year, Board members, committee chairpersons and other RPCN members will be gathering to map out RPCN’s future.  We want to get closer to achieving our vision to be the premier resource in consulting.  How can we become an instantly recognized brand?  How do we become the go-to organization for consultants or clients looking for one?  What does it mean to be an organization that is “professional” and “client-centered”?

Recently, the Rochester Business Alliance’s marketing director referred a new consultant to RPCN for help setting up his business.  Over 100 consultants and non-profit executives attended our social media conference and gave it a 94% positive rating!  The Consultant’s Bootcamp gave new and long-time consultants terrific tools for success.  And, it helped RPCN build terrific new alliances.

Your participation in this important event is essential.  You can help us make a great leap forward this year.  Please join in helping RPCN achieve its vision as the premier resource in consulting.

Enjoy this free book, Customer 3D by Bill Self.  Please read “Part 2:  You Say You Want a Revolution” as preparation for August 3rd RPCN Leadership Retreat.  See you then.

There is no charge for this session.

Registration is required to attend this event!

Get directions to High Tech Rochester.



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