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EHC Lunch-n-Learn

  • 20-Jul-2023
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
  • Online using Zoom


  • Free

Registration is closed

RPCN’s Enhancing Human CapitalTM Lunch-n-Learns are held on the third Thursday of every month. Please join us for the next installment on July 20, 2023.

 Replacing Humans in the Workplace --
The Trillion-Dollar Opportunity

Facilitator: Bob Manard

Are you ready for the A.I. Revolution? Artificial Intelligence is changing the way we use data, including how we make decisions, innovate, and interact with each other. The combination of A.I. and automation is already creating major disruptions across most industries.

How will your business be impacted? Will you be able to take advantage of the trillion-dollar opportunity that this newest disruption offers ?

We’ll look at the “new diversity”, where teams will gradually become composed of humans and non-humans working together. We’ll discuss how “Augmented Intelligence” might be a more efficient use of capital, including human capital.

This meeting is free for everyone.


Bob Manard

Bob is a lifelong resident of Rochester, NY and holds a BS degree in Computer Science from St. John Fisher University and an MBA in Electronic Commerce from the Simon School of Business at the University of Rochester.

As the owner of Faces That Work and several other businesses, Bob works with a wide variety of clients and independent consultants, helping to ensure that everyone involved in a project achieves their own definition of success.

Director of Digital Strategy and former president of the Rochester Professional Consultants Network, Bob is also active in several local organizations, including Mobile App Rochester, Google Rochester, WordPress Rochester, and he serves on the Technology Committee at the Greater Rochester Association of Realtors.


This series provides an opportunity to explore Dr. Floyd Tucker's "Enhancing Human Capital" program, designed to help businesses build healthy organizations and happy employees.

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