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Alan Krieger presents: The universal motivator - communicating so people will listen

  • 12-Jan-2024
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Online and in person at the Al Sigl Center


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Alan Krieger presents: The universal motivator - communicating so people will listen

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Presenter: Alan Krieger

To get people to listen to you, you need to connect in a way that interests them. There are many communication strategies and theories of motivation, but in most cases, there is not one approach that fits all. One common universal motivator is to treat people the way they want to be treated. You can gain insights into someone by observing how they communicate.

Once you've learned from observing, the challenge becomes how to change your communication approach.

In this presentation, we'll discuss a simple model for learning about your own communication style and how to organize your thoughts about the styles of others. We'll provide two useful tools to help you with this.

Key Learning #1: What are communication styles and why do they matter?

Key Learning #2: How can you identify someone's style?

Key Learning #3: What can you do with that information to improve your communication with others?


Alan Krieger
Alan Krieger has 30 years experience providing leadership training and coaching, including topics such as communication, teambuilding, conflict resolution, motivation and negotiation. He focuses on helping teams and team leaders strengthen their communication and collaboration. Over the past 20 years he has developed and refined a communication style assessment that is a key to successful communication. He has recently formed a new company, TEAM Communication Styles, Inc to help share that tool with other trainers and coaches.

Note: Images from this event may be used for promotional purposes. 


SPECIAL NOTE: This will be a hybrid event where you can attend in-person or by Zoom.

To attend by Zoom, register and click the link above. You will be sent two (2) emails, one from RPCN and one from Zoom. Open the Zoom email to register (and Join) this event.

Contact us at if you experience any trouble registering for this event.


This event is is also available In-Person in a pleasant conference room at the Al Sigl Center. Attending in-person is highly encouraged. For details and instructions, CLICK HERE.

COST: Free for members; $25.00 for non-members.

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Contact us at if you experience any trouble registering for this event.

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