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Starting a Consulting Practice in the Post-COVID Era

  • 10-May-2024
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Online or at the Al Sigl Center


  • Meeting sponsors receive 3 minutes to talk about their business.
  • Meeting sponsors receive 3 minutes to talk about their business. Includes attendance fee.

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Starting a Consulting Practice in the Post-COVID Era

(Online or In Person)

Presenter: Tom Fecteau and Katia Chaban

Is it easier or harder now to determine your offering and identify your target market? How critical is branding, can it wait to evolve, and what about your marketing plan? As you gain experience and a level of success, how do you stay alert to the signs that a pivot is needed?

Recently, RPCN member Tom Fecteau, has gone through this process with a modicum of success and a bunch of lessons learned.  

Fellow RPCN member Katia Chaban, has started her practice while maintaining her existing job responsibilities making for different challenges.

In this interview setting, conducted by Michael Van der Gaag, Tom will share his experience, discuss his lessons learned, and make suggestions that will hopefully help you as well.

This event will also include a networking session where attendees can connect and share more insights on what it takes to be successful in these modern times.

Key Takeaway #1: The lessons gained from Business Version 1.0
Key Takeaway #2: Conditions that suggest you should reconsider your business approach
Key Takeaway #3: The process of redefining who you are, what you offer, and who is your target audience

Note: Images from this event may be used for promotional purposes. 


Tom Fecteau is originally from Rochester, NY, but currently resides near Syracuse. He brings over 30 years of experience guiding solopreneur start-ups to participate in the resurgence of business in the greater Upstate New York community.


Tom's experiences showed him that solopreneur consultants and professionals come in a variety of personalities, values, habits, and styles which means that in some aspects of business operation, common "best practices" will require modification in order to bring success.


His hope is that he brings relevance and insights to issues that provide you renewed hope and action so that you experience an easier and more successful journey to your dreams.

Katia Chaban has over 25 years of building a successful career managing teams globally in large Information Technology (IT) environments and earning multiple credentials in sustainability, Katia Chaban is perfectly positioned to change the way businesses think.

With her IT background and a Doctorate in Business and Innovation, Katia is excited to help businesses and IT rethink how they engage with supply chains, build and consume services, and address the challenges of product lifecycles. So, in February 2023, she founded ReThinkIT Strategies to support businesses in achieving their ESG objectives.

Katia’s mission is to harness the power of people and technology so that businesses, people, and the

planet can thrive. What we do today impacts our future.


SPECIAL NOTE: This will be a hybrid event where you can attend in-person or by Zoom.

To attend by Zoom, register and click the link above. You will be sent two (2) emails, one from RPCN and one from Zoom. Open the Zoom email to register (and Join) this event.

This event is is also available In-Person in a pleasant conference room at the Al Sigl Center. Attending in-person is highly encouraged. For details and instructions, CLICK HERE.

COST: Free for members; $25.00 for non-members.

Spotlight your business! Sponsor a meeting. For details and to sign up, click on the Register button above.


Contact us at if you experience any trouble registering for this event.

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