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AI for Professional Consultants

  • 14-Feb-2025
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • In Person or Online via Zoom


  • Meeting sponsors receive 3 minutes to talk about their business.
  • Meeting sponsors receive 3 minutes to talk about their business. Includes attendance fee.


AI for Professional Consultants

(Online or In Person)

Presenter:  Max Irwin

Are you curious about how AI actually works and how it can transform your business and client outcomes? In this engaging presentation, Max Irwin will help you discover the practical side of AI. You will learn how to identify valuable applications, maximize the benefits and mitigate potential risks with AI. You’ll also come away with actionable insights to successfully integrate AI into your consulting practice and empower your clients to thrive in an AI-driven world.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the Basics: Gain a clear understanding of how AI works and demystify common misconceptions.
  • Spot Opportunities: Learn to identify practical, high-value AI applications that align with your business and client needs.
  • Mitigate Risks: Discover strategies to address ethical, operational, and technological risks when implementing AI solutions.

    Note: Images from this event may be used for promotional purposes. 


    Max is the founder of MAX.IO LLC, Lumi.RE, and Flower City AI. Max has 24 years of experience in tech leadership and 10 years of experience in AI. As Chief Everything Officer, he builds and sells AI products to businesses that need predictable and scalable solutions. He consults on and develops state-of-the-art AI agents, and knowledge discovery solutions. He also helps companies incorporate AI into their customer-facing products.

    This meeting is open to the public.

    COST $25 for nonmembers

    Contact us at if you experience any trouble registering for this event.

    SPECIAL NOTE: This will be a hybrid event where you can attend in-person or via Zoom.  This event is is also available in-person at 2800 Dewey Ave, Rochester, NY 14616. Attending in-person is highly encouraged. 

    After the meeting ends, open networking (with private breakout rooms for those on Zoom) will continue until 10:00 a.m. ET for the attendees.

    After you register, you will be sent two (2) emails, one from RPCN and one from Zoom. NOTE: The email from RPCN will be sent almost immediately but the ZOOM email may be delayed by a few minutes. Be patient while waiting for it.  Click the link in the Zoom email to join this event.

    Spotlight your business! Register as a meeting sponsor.  For details on sponsoring, click HERE

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