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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Small Businesses

  • 25-Oct-2013
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room


  • Open to the public. No charge for RPCN members. $12.00 for non-members.

Registration is closed
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact on Small Businesses

Presenter: Jane Ahrens

What is the NYS Health Insurance exchange? Who qualifies to use it? Who is obligated to use it? How will it work? What impact will it have on health insurance rates? What carriers will be represented? What plans can I choose from? What are the rules for sole proprietors and small groups with Obamacare as of 1/1/2014? What are the changes? Will HNY still be available? Who can apply for catastrophic coverage?  What are the subsidies? What if any, are the penalties? Here is an introductory video by Jane.

In order to promote a professional atmosphere, attire is business casual for all attendees.

Open to the public. No charge for RPCN members. $12.00 for non-members.

Get directions to Brighton Town Hall.



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