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Practical Application of Web Technologies for Consultants

  • 24-Jan-2014
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room


Registration is closed

Practical Application of Web Technologies for Consultants

(or "debunking the internet mystique; the guide to making the web work for business")

Presenters: Rob Marriage & Dave Horan of Inductor Media

The Internet and its technologies have dramatically altered every aspect of business. This presentation will help unravel the terms and hype around the web and show you how to safely navigate through the maze. The goal is to make your website work for, and not against, your efforts to market yourself, provide quality services, and build your brand. This is not a technical-focused presentation, but rather how to apply technology to common business problems you may encounter. Understanding the basics will help a you, the consultant, make informed decisions.

Audience Takeaways

Understand how a website can benefit a business, regardless of the type.
  • How to find the right sized site for your business.
  • Understand the evolution of a web site over time.
  • Leveraging internet technologies into business processes.
  • What is social media marketing and how it can benefit you or hurt you!
  • Why mobile sites are becoming more important than ever.
  • How to find a good web technology partner for your consulting practice.
Here is a short video by Rob and Dave describing their presentation.

Web Technologies for Consultants; Jan.24, Rob Marriage & Dave Horan

In order to promote a professional atmosphere, attire is business casual for all attendees.


No charge for RPCN members. $10.00 for non-members.

Get directions to Brighton Town Hall.



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