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Cold, Warm, or Hot Sales Prospect: Which one is it?

  • 28-Sep-2018
  • 8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
  • Five Star Bank at City Gate


  • No Charge

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Cold, Warm, or Hot Sales Prospect: Which one is it?

Presenter: Thomson Chew

Finding the next, best customer starts with a strategy to build up prospects that are open to your conversation about what you can promise them. I will show you how defining that "best customer" upfront will spead up your customer prospecting and reduce the dead ends of not finding the best business match.


Tomson Chew

Thomson Chew is the owner of Sales Generator, a company he started in 2010 and then re-opened in 2018 after working several years in the financial services field. He helps entrepreneurs and small business owners locate new customers within current markets and new markets, qualify them for potential business, and contact them for sales presentations and purchase orders.

Refreshments will be available.

Meeting Sponsorships are available. Contact Michael Van der Gaag at for more information.

Here's a Map to Five Star Bank, City Gate

For a description of where to park, CLICK HERE.



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