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February 2014 Business Forum Questions

22-Feb-2014 11:09 AM | Deleted user
Reported by Steve Royal

  • What are the advantages of belonging to the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?
  • How do Google Ad Grants work?
  • How do you balance giving out free advice vs. building relationships?
  • Question: How many years have you been in the consulting business?
  • How do sub-groups form from mastermind groups?
  • What are some ways of marketing life training events?
  • What are the entity options for my business?
  • Can I use my own name for my business if I don't have a DBA?
  • If, given the option, should I accept a job as a consultant or as an employee?
  • How do I establish my rates?
  • How can I get motivated to write proposals?
  • What are some printing options for self-published books?
  • Is it worth doing projects just for the experience?



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