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March 2014 Business Forum Questions

22-Mar-2014 9:28 AM | Deleted user
  • Should I exclude the details of my previous employment from my resume?
  • What should my very first business card say?
  • How do I keep clients interested in my business between jobs?
  • Is there such a thing as an online consulting aggregator?
  • How do I start a discussion on LinkedIn?
  • How can I effectively use all of the many social networking resources?
  • How can I improve international business communications?
  • What is the proper format for proposals?
  • How do I start my business, pick my specialty, and choose the type of business (sole proprietor, LLC, incorporated, etc.)?
  • Where can I find  a good attorney to help set up my business?
  • What is the best way to change my Google Voice phone number?



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