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July 2012 Technical Forum Questions

06-Jul-2012 1:57 PM | Deleted user
Submitted by Steve Royal

  • How concerned should I be about the possible Internet outage coming on July 9?
  • How do I get files linked properly in Word Press?
  • How do I download Word Press to 1 on 1?
  • What is the best antivirus program?
  • What is a good online calendar?
  • Why was my Google Ad-words get shut down?
  • How can I record phone calls coming from clients?
  • How do I print full-sized pictures?
  • How do I set up a table in Word where some of the cells are shaded?
  • How do I set up an advertising account on You Tube screens?
  • Why won't my Kodak EZ-Share dock work properly?



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