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November 2013 Newsletter

02-Nov-2013 2:35 PM | Deleted user

Entrepreneurial success = risk + inspiration, panelists say

by Michael Van der Gaag, President

What a great event! Our first TrendTalk, “Challenges and Opportunities in the Rochester High-Tech Sector” on Oct. 16, was a complete success. Special thanks to Mike Molaire and the Communication Committee for a wonderfully effective job. We also extend many thanks to the three presenters, Chuck Provini, Bob Kot and Bill Pollock, and of course to our own Beth Sears, who did such an exquisite job as moderator.

The three presenters, each pursuing different dreams and businesses, had in common the willingness to risk, vision and passion in their pursuit, and an ability to inspire others.

Chuck Provini, a Naval Academy graduate and former Wall Street executive, believes that risk plus inspiration in the pursuit of the right technology will yield success. His Natcore Technology is creating safer methods for materials required to increase efficiency and lower cost while improving the total power output of solar-powered cells.

Bob Kot, managing director for new ventures at High Tech Rochester, said that if you have the entrepreneurial gene, the energy you gain from accepting risk will allow you to pursue your dream. He often would wake up worried about various problems, he said, but the worry was energizing rather than debilitating.

Bill Pollock, who grew Optimation into a 400-employee operation, was willing to risk it all in pursuing his dream. More recently, he leveraged this successful business to resurrect Kingsbury Corporation from bankruptcy, moving it to Rochester in 2012. The company recently signed an agreement with Kodak to manufacture touch-screen sensors based on photographic film technology.

We learned a lot from these three panelists:

  • While many people avoid risk, risk is the source of energy and motivation for the successful entrepreneur (Risk = Energy + Motivation).
  • While fear and dread may be disabling to many people, fear motivates the successful entrepreneur to get up, find the right solution and get work done.
  • If you are passionate about the business you are pursuing, you can inspire those around you to pick up the cause. With the right talent, vision and inspiration, you can overcome any obstacles.
  • Be willing to make mistakes. Only by failure do you learn lessons for what to do better next time.
  • Connections matter. Seek out others who can provide you with feedback and guidance. Find the right fit and direction.
  • Be persistent in following your dream. Be fearless, accept risk, get motivated and inspire others: (Risk + Vision + Opportunity) x (Talent + Persistence) = Success.

What does all this mean to members of RPCN? We are an organization of diverse individuals all united in the cause of pursuing excellence in consulting. We provide programs to help you develop your skills to be a better entrepreneur, a better consultant. We provide a safe place for you to test your ideas, express your fears and share your passions. Through RPCN’s relationships (alliances) with other organizations, we can help you develop your image and reputation, and pursue your dreams.

We are working on future special events, including a TrendTalk on the challenges and opportunities in the healthcare or nonprofit sector for February, a Consultants Bootcamp for February, and a conference in mid-2014. All of these events will continue to encourage members and prospective members of RPCN to develop that entrepreneurial spirit as we pursue our dreams for our own consulting businesses and RPCN itself.

One final thought: TrendTalk’s success was the result of one member, Mike Molaire, who had an inspiration and was willing to step up and drive the event to success. If you have ideas for future events or topics, please share them. If you want to ensure that these future events are as successful as the first TrendTalk, step up and help out. You’ll gain exposure inside the organization and in the community; you’ll have a chance to demonstrate your leadership and teamwork; and you’ll get bragging rights. More importantly, you’ll have some fun while helping the organization continue to improve its service to members.

Ed. note: To see more photos from the TrendTalk event, visit RPCN's Facebook page. While there, you can "like" the page to see other updates. (Photo: Janice Hanson)

Member of Communication Committee enjoys work/life balance thanks to consulting

By Ruth E. Thaler-Carter

Janice K. Hanson chose to leave a full-time job in search of a better work/life balance. She started JK Hanson Wordcraft in January 2012, and it has enabled her to take on volunteer roles that she enjoys in addition to her communications work.

Hanson, a member of the RPCN Communication Committee who designs the monthly email newsletter and projects such as the promotional flyer and program for the first TrendTalk event, started her consulting business after looking into the process in detail. “I had done some research, and I had a one-on-one with SCORE,” she recalled. “The very next day, I went to the county clerk’s office for my DBA and shortly thereafter set up a business bank account.”

Hanson moved to Rochester from Vermont in 2002 when her husband accepted a job with Kodak. Building on her marketing experience at an arts center in Burlington, she found a job in marketing at the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra (RPO), handling the program book, e-mail newsletters and the website, among other projects. She left the RPO in November 2011 and took the next few months to start her consulting business, focusing primarily on editing and proofreading.

To find out more about how RPCN helped her find a way to quickly and easily create a website when she was launching her business, what strategies she uses to find clients, and how she gives back to the arts community, click here.

Here is a video interview with Hanson.

RPCN Communication Committee member Ruth E. Thaler-Carter is an award-winning freelance writer, editor and proofreader. She can be reached at

Making your business better

Influencers: More than 300 LinkedIn members are part of the LinkedIn Influencers Program. These members are thought leaders who share their insights directly via LinkedIn. You can follow any influencer without being connected to them. To learn more, read the post The Surprising Brilliance of the LinkedIn Influencers Program.

Pinterest: Want people to pin your blog posts to their Pinterest accounts? Emily Carpenter tells you what to do in her post 10 Steps to a Pinnable Blog.

Benefit from the RPCN’s new Member Referral Program

Do you know someone who is considering becoming an RPCN member? Are you considering RPCN membership? If so, you could become eligible for a $25 gift card.

RPCN has introduced a new Member Referral Program that provides incentives to both current and new members.

Here’s how it works. Each quarter, we will conduct a drawing that includes the names of new members and anyone who referred a new member within that quarter. (We collect referral information when new members join.) We will draw one name from each group – a current and a new member – and each will receive a $25 gift card.

  •  The drawings will be held at one of the Friday meetings.
  •  The winners will be notified by phone/e-mail, if not present at the meeting.
  • The winners’ names will be included in newsletter.
Click here for more information on the benefits of joining the RPCN.




In this issue:

We want you!

The RPCN newsletter welcomes news, success stories, tips, resources, events and other items that would be of broad interest to consultants. Submit a newsletter item by e-mail to the Communication Committee. RPCN members also may write articles for our website; submit articles here. In the newsletter, we'll highlight submitted articles aimed at helping consultants make their businesses better.

If you have newsletter questions or suggestions, or ideas for how RPCN could improve communications, contact the Communication Committee:
Chris Swingle, Chair
Janice Hanson
Barbara Moore
Ruth E. Thaler-Carter
Steve Royal

Upcoming events

Technical Forum
Facilitated by Steve Royal
Friday, Nov. 1, 2013
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Pittsford Community Library

An informal, facilitated round-table discussion of any technical issues that consultants encounter in running their business, including computers, the Internet and telephones. Wondering what kind of questions people are asking lately? For a list from recent forums, click here.

How to Set and Achieve Goals for 2014
Presenter: Tracey Aiello
Friday, Nov. 8, 2013
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room

Have you ever made a New Year’s resolution, not achieved it and then wondered why? Fewer than 3% of all people who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them. It is easy to set goals and harder to accomplish them. Learn not only how to set goals for 2014 but also how to achieve them to have the best year of your life. Presented by Tracey Aiello of Winning Career Strategies. Here's a video introduction:

Business Forum
Facilitated by David Powe
Friday, Nov. 15, 2013
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Pittsford Community Library

An informal, facilitated roundtable discussion of issues regarding starting or running a consulting business. Wondering what kind of questions people are asking lately? For a list from recent forums, click here.
RPCN Board Meeting
Friday, Nov. 15, 2013
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Pittsford Community Library

RPCN’s monthly board meeting begins at approximately 10:00 AM, after the Business Forum. Everyone is welcome to attend, but only board members may vote.

Using Newsletters to Tell your Story
Presenters: Janice Hanson, Chris Swingle,
Ruth E. Thaler-Carter Friday, Nov. 22, 2013
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM
Brighton Town Hall - Downstairs Meeting Room

Should your business, organization or project have a newsletter? What are the pros and cons? How does a newsletter relate to your website, social media or other marketing efforts? How would you get started? What do you need to create and maintain a good one? What are the key problems you want to avoid? Find out the answers to these questions at this joint presentation by members of the RPCN Communication Committee. Here's a video introduction:

Of interest

Consulting bootcamp: Mark your calendar for the next RPCN Consulting Bootcamp, to be held on five consecutive Tuesdays starting February 4, 2014. Learn how to start or improve your consulting business. More info to come.

Social media: Do you need to get more familiar with how to use social media to attract new customers and engage current ones? SCORE Rochester presents this workshop on social marketing for small business owners. Thursday, Nov. 7, 2013, 8:45 AM, Rochester Business Alliance, 150 State Street, Rochester. Pre-registration is required. Click here for details and to register.

New members

RPCN welcomes one new member this month. Click on the name below to view her profile.

Kimberly Wilborn

Follow us!




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