Festive night of food, frolicking, and refreshments with Rochester Professional Consultants Network (RPCN) at the 35th Anniversary Post Holiday Networking + White Elephant Gift Exchange. |
Mission, Vision, and Values for 2025 - Why Do You Need Them?

How can Mission, Vision, and Values help your business or organization? Developing, writing, and using them can help you form a sound basis for a Strategy, Business Plan, and for conducting your business, even if you’re a solo or small business. Confusion often exists about the meanings of Mission, Vision and Values, so here are some clarifying definitions.
Mission defines the organization, what it does for its customers, and how customers benefit. The clarity of your Mission is critical so that those inside the organization understand why the organization exists and how their actions help it achieve its goals. It can also help those outside the organization understand how they can benefit.
Why have a Mission Statement?
- To clearly and simply define the organization's core function and purpose in terms of customer benefits.
- To help align an organization's actions with the organization's purpose.
- To focus all the people in the organization on the Mission. This may include small businesses that are under contract to aid your organization.
Example on how to develop a Mission Statement
Questions to Answer
Example Answers
Who are you? (Business Name)
Improvement Associates
What are you?
Is a training company
What do you do?
that provides interpersonal skills training
For which customers?
for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies
For what customer benefits?
to increase their employee satisfaction & effectiveness
Vision is where we plan to take the organization. For example, this is the organization’s future, ideal state, such as, “We are the best in training manufacturing interpersonal skills.” It might be just beyond our reach but can provide a goal for your organization’s members. Always develop your Mission first, then your Vision.
Values humanize the Mission. Values are guiding principles that put a human slant on how people inside the organization should do the following:
Some examples are customer or client satisfaction, ethical conduct, recognition that everyone’s contribution is necessary for success, and respect for one another.
How do Mission, Vision, and Values fit in with Strategy?
Mission: The definition and purpose of the organization.
Vision: A mental picture of the ideal future state of the organization.
Values: The beliefs or standards that guide behavior.
Strategy: A plan of action to achieve the Mission and Vision.
So, develop Mission, Vision, Values, and Strategy that fit your situation. Use them to guide you to success in 2025.
Fundraiser to Benefit the Fight Against Cancer

In late June 2025, RPCN member, Dave Bassett, will take part in the 2025 11 Day Power Play (11DPP). This is an 11-day marathon annual hockey game that takes place in Buffalo at the HSBC Arena to raise money for Charities devoted to Fighting Cancer and other Health and Wellness Initiatives. Dave will be playing a 3-hour shift for Jabs for Life - FLY with JJ. This team is raising money in honor of Jason Jablonski, a 21-year-old man that passed away from cancer a few years ago.
Donations raised will help cutting-edge cancer research and wellness programs at Roswell Park, Camp Good Days, Make-A-Wish Western New York, and The Roswell Park and Oishei Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Program. In the past four years, The 11DPP has raised more than $10 million for cancer causes in the Western New York community. The goal for this year is to raise over $1 million again.
Dave has set a personal goal of raising $500 and is intent on meeting or even exceeding it to raise $1,000.
- To help raise money for the 11DPP, Dave is running a Super Bowl Squares Board for the game coming up on February 9th.
- Squares are $20 apiece with $10 going to the 11DPP and the other $10 going to the prizes.
- There will be prizes for the Final Score, Half Time, 1st and 3rd Quarters, the Reverse Final, and satellites (square directly above, below, & to either side, with satellites “wrapping” around if a winning square is on an edge/corner), so there are plenty of chances to win.
- If you’re interested in getting a square or 10, please let Dave know. He can be reached at dbassett@basstat.com or at any of our weekly RPCN Friday morning meetings.
Together, we can continue to make an impact in the search for a cure, and better the lives of those living with cancer and have a little fun doing so. Thank you for your support!
—Dave Bassett
Member News
Denise Horan, a sales consultant and coach from New York's Capital Region in Albany, has expanded her local sales club to a national level, rebranding it as Sales Club USA, officially launched in late 2023. Sales Club USA was created to provide sales and business professionals with a platform to access valuable resources, participate in virtual clubs, attend workshops, and connect with others for collaboration and growth.
In its first year, Sales Club USA achieved significant milestones. Sponsorship opportunities through its website and event partnerships have seen notable growth, while social media followership continues to expand. The club has also experienced an increase in coaching and consulting engagements. Over the past year, Sales Club USA achieved the following milestones:
- hosted over 100 in-person and virtual events
- had an attendance of nearly 600 new and returning registrants
- hosted over 60 speakers and panelists
These highlights also helped Horan receive recognition in the business community as a finalist for the 2024 Capital Region MARCOM Awards. The annual awards program recognizes the exceptional work in the practice area of marketing communications throughout the metropolitan area surrounding Albany, New York.
For the future, Denise plans to expand Sales Club USA by enhancing its marketing reach, achieving nationwide coverage, launching an Emerging Leaders program, offering private and small group coaching, and securing more sponsors and partners.
For more information about Ms. Horan and Sales Club USA, visit www.SalesClubUSA.com. For more information about Denise Horan, please refer to her website, www.denisehoran.com.
Welcome, New RPCN Members
Please welcome these four new members to RPCN:
Christina Gullo is a new business owner who has partnered to create True North Executive Solutions, providing Leadership services addressing Strategic Planning, Organizational Assessment, HR needs and Board Governance. Christina has been involved in several past boards providing community support in many areas and is still involved in leadership roles with the Geva Theatre. Christina was referred to RPCN by first year member Gerianne Puskas. Connect with Christina here.
Jim Miller joins us from the Capital region of NY. He is the Chief Operating Officer for M-Co Consulting. M-Co Consulting focuses on improving health care operations and initiatives for health care practices, hospitals and government programs to ensure the best individual care. Jim was referred to us by former member Ann Hutchison. Connect with Jim here.
Keith Adams has been providing inventory management solutions for businesses for 16 years. Keith has been most appreciated by companies who have limited IT resources and are noticing stock and excess inventory issues. He had stepped away from his business but has resumed operations. Keith is looking for support on LinkedIn and exploring other marketing approaches. He was referred to us by Access-VR. Connect with Keith here.
Jennifer DiMarzio is a new business owner with extensive experience in employee communications, experience, and engagement. Jen is focused on women-owned businesses to help them grow by leveraging the power of their people. She is active in the Rochester community and shares often on LinkedIn. Jen was referred to us by former member Julie Marcellus. Connect with Jen here.
—Tom Fecteau