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 Questions from the Business, Technical, and Marketing Forums

Find out what you're missing at our Business, Technical, and Marketing Forums. Be sure to come to any of our forum meetings to ask the questions that you want answered.

  • 04-Mar-2016 1:48 PM | Deleted user
    • What is Bonjour for Windows and can I uninstall it?
    • How can I set up multiple email accounts so they will all be received in one place?
    • Can I convert my Typepad blog into WordPress?
    • Why can't I hear the sound on  video file?
    • How do I number pages in Power Point?
    • How do I change logos on my pages that are added toi someone else's Power Point slides?
    • Should I buy a Chromebook?
    • Which accounting program should I use.
    • What is the best way to track mileage?
    • How can I keep my blog current?
    • How long will old videotapes last?
    • Can I ignore alerts from Wordfence?
  • 19-Feb-2016 3:14 PM | Deleted user
    • How can LinkedIn be used for prospecting?
    • How do I set up a "leveraged " for several companies?
    • Is there an app for finding consultants?
    • What are the advantages of a DBA, LLC, S-Corp, etc?
    • How do I get by voice-recorded gatekeepers?
    • Should I hire employees?
    • Should I retire?
    • How do I maintain a positive mindset?
  • 06-Feb-2016 2:16 PM | Deleted user
    • Will Microsoft automatically install Windows 10 on my computer?
    • How can people expected to find my business page on Facebook?
    • Can I bring my contacts from my personal page to my business page on LinkedIn?
    • Why does wireless my printer become disconnected from my computer?
    • Does Windows 10 have Media Player?
    • How can I erase emails on my phone from my laptop?
    • How can I send photos on my phone in order to store them on my laptop?
    • How can I create a simple (basic) web page?
    • How do I delete photos from my phone?
  • 15-Jan-2016 4:42 PM | Deleted user
    • What is the best approach to cold calling?
    • Should I hire someone to write copy for my business?
    • What can I do to increase my confidence before giving a presentation?
    • How can I rebuild my temporary staff so there are always people available to help?
    • How can I get to the right person (e.g. decision-maker) in a business?
    • How do I make sure that the people I recruit will be both qualified and enthusiastic?
    • What is involved in getting a DBA?
    • Can I register my business as woman-owned?
    • Where can I find people who would like to ride buses and make reports for money?
    • How can I use Google for time-management?
    • When should I use a partner and when should I use a sub-contractor?
  • 18-Dec-2015 2:44 PM | Deleted user
    • Are there any inexpensive general liability insurance options?
    • Has anybody used Legal Shield?
    • How do I turn relationships for non-normal work into money for me?
    • Should  use Rochester Brianery for my presentation?
    • Where can my client find help;?
    • How do I develop my Value Statement?
    • How do I focus on a broad area?
    • How much value is additional formal education to a consultant?
    • What are some effective goal-setting practices?
    • How do I go about naming  my company?
  • 20-Nov-2015 2:41 PM | Deleted user
    • Should I update my current web site or build a new one?
    • Do I need two email addresses?
    • What if a proposal is requested before the meeting to discuss it?
    • How can I generate web traffic at low cost?
    • Will having events help market my business?
    • Where can I find someone to provide a free operational audit?
    • How do I decide on which niche market to serve?
    • What is involved in the generation of a newsletter?
  • 06-Nov-2015 2:02 PM | Deleted user
    • How do I get rid of a Microsoft Security Essentials file that I can't find?
    • Why won't Outlook connect to my Mac?
    • Is Gumroad a good alternative to Pay Pal?
    • How can I get a screenshot of a web page?
    • Should I believe an email I received saying that my domain name has been suspended?
    • Who uses Google +?
    • Why are DBA forms I downloaded from the County Clerk's office not accepted by my lawyer?
    • Is anyone else having sporadic Time-Warner Internet outages?
    • How do I know when it's time to upgrade my cellphone?
  • 16-Oct-2015 2:54 PM | Deleted user
    • How can I make money while sleeping (passive income)?
    • How can I do my job as a consultant without being perceived as a threat?
    • What are some effective ways to recruit people?
    • How do I walk away from a client who might be endangering my credibility?
    • What are the new laws about credit card chip-readers?
    • How can I overcome client objections?
    • What are some ways to get in front of a prospective client?
    • What incentives can I use to force me do prevent late invoicing?
  • 02-Oct-2015 1:54 PM | Deleted user
    • What happens to my computer if my external drive stops working?
    • Can I get rid of robocalls?
    • Where can I find invoicing software online?
    • How do I use my new portable charging device?
    • Should i subscribe to Amazon Prime?
    • What are "infographics"?
    • Which download site should I use when there are many to choose from?
    • Why does my WI-Fi printer refuse to scan?
    • What types of connecting cords should I buy to be prepared for any kind of presentation projection?
    • Why won't Facebook let me create a business page?
    • How can I get Flash to run on an older Android system?
    • Should I update to Windows 10?
    • Why won't my Canon printer scan without a message about my email system?
  • 19-Sep-2015 10:57 AM | Deleted user
    • What are the best ways to approach prospects?
    • How do I address the prospect's needs, not mine, but not be too strong?
    • What do I have to do to close faster (or to close at all)?
    • How can I estimate and minimize the cost of becoming a consultant?
    • What is the best way to advertise effectively?
    • How can I build credibility and credentials as a new consultant?
    • How do I determine my pricing compared to other consultants?
    • What is the process from meeting a contact at a networking event to closing the sale?



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